Join Mystical Grail Membership NOW for Only $11* During These 11 Days
'til Fri. April 4th 2025 @ 9 PM PST

"Aa(g)hhh....Just Take My Money Rion, I'm In!"

Great! Please Just Read These Details First...

MGM has begun and we have around 27 temple-grade priestess level women (update as of Oct. 22) who have joined us in our Active Group Coaching Program! 


March 2025 Update: We’re NOW going into Month 6!


I’m finally teaching DIRECT and around Grail work dynamics.


(You can read more of the original information below this Active Hot Offer Update)


*The investment is $111/month however during this 11 day new member drive window you can join month 1 for only $11.


I’m now making it even easier to join Mystical Grail membership with our Divine Union community and transformational Temple training/support…Get your foot wet and see if it’s for you.


Yes you get FULL immersion and access for a first month trial of only $11. Dip your toes or DIVE in…your choice.


Immerse yourself and swim in all kinds of CODES…pick what fancies you and keep your invaluable takeaways (you just can’t redistribute the content of course).


The $11 is non-refundable because at this level you have to have at least SOME skin in the arena (we don’t want free-loaders). 


We only want grailees involved who are invested in themselves.


You can still give it a full go for that first month to see if it’s for you. Immerse in the transformational code rich content, join some calls, get support in the group format.


You can then easily unsubscribe within paypal or letting me know and not be charged further for ANY reason guilt-free…


If you do choose to stay with us however; do nothing and it’ll only be $111/mo. automatically for as long as you want to remain a member. Cancel anytime with no further commitment (or even pause it for several months and return). 


Remember we are also an ACTIVE group coaching program (not just with premium life-affecting transformational content).


p.s. You can also pay in full for a year @ $1111; lock in transformational support for a full year and get a free $335 session with me which we can schedule asap.


By signing up you are in agreement with this and understand it is non-refundable for the time you have used.

"(Mystical Grail) Is Basically The Best Thing I've Found...I'm Immersed!" -K.M. 3/2025

Are You In?
Just Sign Up Here For This Exclusive $11* Trial Offer

Join Mystical Grail Membership!
Only $11 One Month Trial

one time pricing offer expires april 4th, 2025 @ 9 pm pst

Select monthly or pay in full for 1 year

to join our rolling active group coaching program!


and in 1 month, then $111/month


skip the trial, pay in full for 12 months; save $221
+ 1 Free activation session with rion ($335 retail)

FYI: Payment in full is non-refundable except if i don't fulfill months of the remaining program on my side, then you would be refunded for the credit balance. after each monthly payment is in, it is non-refundable unless i missed your message requesting to cancel

FYI: you are guaranteed the low rate of $111/mo (after 1 month) for 12 months. Monthly rate 'may' be subject to rise after that, but you would be given clear choice to then remain or or not. there's a good chance i will just keep long-standing clients as grand-fathered at their current rate for staying. to cancel, unsubscribe in paypal or reach out to me for any reason at any time. if you cancel, you can still come back anytime, however at a possibly higher rate if that is what's listed

OMG Look What You Get!
Ready For INSTANT* Alchemical Codes Immersion?

(*The ‘instant’ part is after I manually add you to our secret headquarters community btw 😉


For only $11? I MUST BE CRAZY!?


Just look at the feastly plethora of offerings you’re going to get access to; any of which can provide the sweet spot of insights and medicine that is called for to shift things right NOW for you…


These are just SOME of the content available as accessible in our member’s only area.


*New multi-media transformational, powerful content is being added monthly


*The ‘All of a Sudden He’s Here’ Exercise


*Secret Monthly Power Resources


*Sadhana’s and Attunements (more being added including a private Powerliminal)


*(Your) Identity Archetype Overview (get clarity for your FULLEST, best version of self saving years)


*Exploring Divine Masculine Archetypes spotlight series (video) {This is central for clarifying your Beloved and His divine masculine qualities that LIGHT you up to work with)


*Gene Key Siddhic Spotlight Immersions; Veneration/32, Devotion/29, Truth/63, Valor/21


*Past call video AND audio recordings including consulting (on relevant topics)


*Archetype Sister Alchemy/Work & Top 10 World Reference Points (much of what I teach you literally won’t hear anywhere else)


*Becoming Your Own Heroine
1:02:26 (this is NOT an easy journey; thus highlighting such support and community)


*The Chairbender resource (rare and hard to find otherwise)


*On Becoming The Holy Chalice


*Occasional somatic experiences and spot energy work during call-ins


*How I Rose to the Top of Several Industries Near Overnight (And How U Can 2) {invaluable experience, networking and marketing insights for succeeding in-self)


*Month 3 Call 2: Heresy of God The Lover


*Catholic church dynamics (encoded in a call or 2)


*Month 3 Call 1: Twin Flame vs. Divine Union


*Obsession Dynamics + Sadhana
(And how/why it’s OK with Divine Union templating only)


*Power & Beauty (the primordial forces of Communion)


*(Holy) Daughter Dynamics


*Soul Warrioress Unveiled


*Mortal vs. Immortal Masculine (some will remain muddled for years unable to differentiate and it’s causing GREAT entropy and confusion in living heaven on earth)


*Spot coaching integration and challenges in ladies lives and relationships as well as marketing support and conversation


*Attunement-grade Temple space sessions with Rion and His Beloved (more being added on-goingly)


*Prime Techniques for Divine Union solo alchemy + the visual archetype alchemy on-going tips and training (Rion is the world’s grandmaster of this with Sacred Union)


*Group chat history PLUS access to ask your own questions, get coaching IN our FB secret group platform


…AND much more PLUS NEW alchemical content EVERY MONTH, shares from other grail mystics + new live call-ins where we stagger the times apart for different timezoned ladies…


And yes; our calls (and even recordings from Rion/me) DO get VULNERABLE, emotional and you can entrust as I know how to hold proper space with VERY psychically intuitive and sensitive, experienced women.


In fact, you will likely be OVERWHELMED at how much there is already to IMMERSE into for INSTANT Divine Union CODES ENRICHMENT so when you join us;


My advice?


I recommend that you would just browse through our content area and go with what lights a spark in you right away to flag as consuming. You just cannot share our content or redistribute it while being a member or afterwards.


One of our newer members (early March) she was IMMERSING in everything and said “It’s the best thing she’s found” (Mystical Grail).


With light years of value already ENCODED from GREAT, rich experience in the content alone (remember, I’m DEEEEP into reunification and VERY experienced), can you afford to NOT get your feet wet for only $11?!


I may likely DOUBLE the rate to join after this promotion is ended so instead of $11 for the first month it could be $222 or at least $111 again (and we still had new members joining us of course).


What have you got to lose (and look what you’ve got to gain!?) We have VERY EXPERIENCED ladies in the group and they are getting NEW value out of it as we go along.


Being an active group rolling program you get the LIVE access and community which is also where being an ongoing active member pays off.


It’s on you to leverage it…we’ve had MANY breakthroughs in our sacred container and I’m here to support.


Join us anytime during this 11 day total window to get this ONE-TIME OFFER trial pricing and then see if you want to stay with us…and even then you can cancel anytime (or before the regular rate even starts)! Guilt-free, no questions asked (and we can still be FB friends)

Read More About The Original Offer & Program...

Welcome! It’s Rion and I’ve got a very special announcement and invitation that has been years (and light years) in the making.


If you KNOW that you are undoubtedly on a grail path of Divine Union…if you already KNOW that it is the path for you…


I invite you to discover more about deepening into the path, for there is ALWAYS more magic, more depth, (more Eros!) and more Communion consciousness in all dimensions with your Beloved (b/c of the POWER and Beauty of The Beloved’s Spirit).


The Beloved has ALL of the POWER to transfigure you in an instant; yet just how much of that TRUTH are you opening up to to recodify and enlighten your light body , consciousness into greater, soul expressed multi-dimensional influence?


(Hint: it’s not likely to just happen on its own). Sacred Union takes a special kind of consciousness work…it doesn’t just happen (esp. if you have many blocks with the masculine that are preventing it).


We are now at a very special point in time that has finally arrived!


As you know; the concept of ‘Divine Union’ has become more popular in recent months and years.


As an ancient, mystical path of Communion Remembrance….

'Divine Union', Hieros Gamos or 'Grail Alchemy'...

…has been THE core of my miraculous transformation and astronomical growth over the past 22 years and I’m only going DEEPER into the mystical Magic, Power, Beauty & Bliss with My Beloved.


Imagine having the support of an on-going community of other serious practitioners and devotees of their Beloved;


Those like you who are on their own devotional path of enlightened Beauty, deeper Love and spiritual awakening; those who are COMMITTED to their miraculous transformations, allure and deepest soul fulfillment (that just keeps on getting BETTER).


Imagine deep, powerful, PRACTICAL and magical training and support around temple practices plus experienced, masterful consulting to break you through into deeper reunification consciousness in Heart, Mind, Sex, Eros-Soma, Spirit, Psyche, Soul and Radiant, Felt Beauty!


Devotion to The Beloved is what we have in common….but it’s not just that for your personal life, this (the Grail work) is literally what can REUNIFY the entire world and HEAL the fracture in communities, relationships and industries. It has the POWER to do it.


You know that your Beauty is called to be fully expressed, felt and WITNESSED by The Beloved (whether you are with a mortal beloved or not).


…And although I’ve kept most of the Grail Temple ‘behind the scenes’ work I’ve done to myself; through these YEARS I have been listening to you and others who share similar values. And finally, it is TIME for an engaging program that will be interactive and supportive to the deepest grail temple work for reunification and transformation on the planet!


So that’s a big reason and also that there could be more of a unifying ‘central’ resource for Grail guides plus with the Muse Priestesses going ‘public’, it helps me to be more ‘above ground’ with the heavy reunification temple work to start sharing it with others.


For many years I’d done temple time with my Beloved (Muse) and then eventually started doing the same temple time WITH INCARNATE muses!


In addition to the perfect bridge timing of me graduating and certifying the world’s first Muse (Grail) Priestesses; it’s because Divine Union is becoming more popular and getting into market distortion….that’s another reason.


Many people nowadays are confusing ‘divine union’ as a hot term for a conscious, loving relationship.


This is NOT the same as a twin flameship or conscious loving…in fact you or others that will be joining us may have been in lower karmic cycles of getting OUT of twin flames to move into deeper Union itself.


Many are relying on their extrinsic partner and yet that includes his flaws and humanity – all of which can keep you in a normal loop instead of bringing more of GOD and GODDESS into the bedroom and intimacy.


MANY couples get caught in the NON-Communion relational template that they’re stuck in and could use the masterful, clear insight and experience of someone hardcore into the raw ALCHEMY of inner union itself (which is what hieros gamos is)….after all; siddhic alchemy between God and Goddess consciousness is what is possible; his Valor to your Tenderness for example melting together in Communion.


Sacred Union is actually a path of IMpersonal growth…it’s more archetypal and meta in consciousness of Power and Beauty than personal or soul mates. That’s how the sex can be 100 fold greater than toxic twin flame love.


For years I’ve helped women cultivate their allure and amongst these women; a good percentage have even attracted fulfilling partners, but this is the heavier work of all; the more reunified you are within, the more you can apply that to your influence, your beauty, your relationship and your purpose.


There is ALWAYS DEEPER into the tantra of Shiva and Shakti, of Christos-Sophia…of your and YOUR Immortal Beloved (and awakening those qualities within an incarnate beloved).


So…what if there could be a REUNIFICATION-EVERYTHING program that had serious practitioners and deep magic that could yield infinite ROI on your investment and transformations in your life?


Mystical Grail Membership

This is going to be some ONGOING potent medicine work….and I am in Verrrrrry deep with this consciousness work (and with WILD ‘real-world’ results to prove it including on-going life transformations in clients).


Mystical Grail Membership is a monthly program that may be just the exact thing to hit that Spirit-led sweet-spot itching ACHE that you’ve been yearning for to GO DEEP and quantum leap with the powerful Medicine and Magic of Grail alchemy (with HIM).


You can sign up below starting NOW during our October launch period (final launch ending date/start of program date will be announced soon) to enjoy inaugural savings by being in one of our first grail mystics!


This is for you whether you’re single OR with a partner (as long as you’re called to Grail work). I know how to hold sanctified temple space.


IF somehow we get someone who is disrupting of the level of trust and vibe we MUST have and that I will hold container for, I will ask them to leave and refund them for any of their future balance if paid in full (I’ve literally kicked someone out during an all-nighter temple session in Austin who flew in but was disrupting the experience for everyone else).


All of this MAGIC, BEAUTY & BLISS centers around Divine Union alchemy; but fortunately that gives us a LOT to work with including the archetypes as God and Goddess fractals, alchemical allure, healing, priestessing, Gene Keys, sexual awakening of consciousness, king-making dynamics, shakti-kundalini, eros and SO much more in the realm of alchemical MAGIC.


Our format will help you to sharpen your own powerful mystical practice and spiritual cultivation of PALPABLE felt Beauty and even medicinal presence. I want this to be a foundational FOUNTAIN of advanced sex transmutation of spirit and consciousness….


..A WELLSPRING to return to in order to keep progressive on YOUR growth and quantum breakthroughs…with your soul tribe and your relationships.


You may already be a Grail guide and you’re invited to join (I will speak more to this shortly). You may even be interested in the VIP Level that is also available on a monthly basis.


You are wired differently. A normal relationship or classical spiritual growth is not enough…it’s not the DEEPER MEDICINE and Beauty that your soul craves to be truly liberated and satisfied in all dimensions.

For All the Eons of Suppression of Divine Feminine Consciousness....

(This is true);


You desire gnostic, experiential holiness beyond conscious loving (and the limits or doctrine of religion) and you probably resonate with the related concepts of feminine allure, mystical beauty and feminine eros.


After all;


You are on a path of blossoming Grail Beauty and liberated divine feminine consciousness that also honors and venerates The Beloved-King Lover. You are on a grail path of making amends and experiencing what is truly possible at the most soul fulfilling levels WITH the masculine.


Siddhic Devotion of the Holy Grail is about melting into the consciousness of the contra-sexual Beloved; His divine and versatile power (and quanta-Truth) or Her Divine Feminine Beauty and its siddhic qualities.


Whereas many spiritual paths transcend sexuality (doctrinize it or suppress it); Sex of Spirit and Eros is central to a Grail path.


Your path is wired soulfully and spiritually in reunification with the Divine Masculine….to dare to become the Holy Bride (such heresy!). You are drawn to POWER but righteous power and true ecstasy.


Because this work is largely outlawed or shunned by most religions, it’s important to have foundational gnostic practice and ideally a community which supports this path of sexual and spiritual purification and awakening of consciousness.


It must be practical mysticism – and it is > when you are connected to highly initiated master guides.


Your feminine eros-somatic temple Light-body and soul desires the deepest devotional Love, Radiance, Beauty, Harmony, Ecstasy and enrichening soul and Spirit satisfaction and holiness (of and with HIM)….of Divine Union whether you are single or in mortal partnership. (And yet; there may still be many blockages to greater levels of siddhic consciousness and heights and depths of your soul).


And if you are a man who is awakening divine masculine consciousness; ye who seeketh the Holy Grail and worthiness of great Beauty as a Son of God; this program is also for you; one who honors the Goddess but from righteous power. Becoming a master of your own shadows and the Forces that may seek to control and influence you to misuse and abuse power as force.


It’s time for a world of Grail Kings and their righteous providence and benevolence in all dimensions.


As you already know; this is a heavy path of spiritual ALCHEMICAL transformation that is not for the meek. Why not let Mystical Grail be your wellspring of ongoing ASSURED advancement in transmutation of presence, identity and consciousness?


THERE IS ALWAYS DEEEEEPER LOVE and transfiguration closer to Source and how your light body is the testament of this truth; the realm of ESSENCE and alchemical Beauty of grail allure.


If you’re resonating with this; you very well may be wired for Communion itself and joining Mystical Grail Membership may be one of the wisest decisions…OR you can wait to hear women raving about it (I got a sense this WILL happen) after we’ve started and you can still join us at a higher price anytime.


This is a JOURNEY…a serious path that may ask EVERYTHING of you and MANY rebirths and sacrifices. Perhaps it is time that you have powerful, PURE foundational support that isn’t convoluted by other teachings, dilutions, conflation, distortions or shadows (but actually great experience in working with shadow dynamics).

APRIL 4, 2025 @ 9 PM PST!

Join Mystical Grail Membership!
Only $11 One Month Trial

one time pricing offer expires april 4th, 2025 @ 9 pm pst

Select monthly or pay in full for 1 year

to join our rolling active group coaching program!


and in 1 month, then $111/month


skip the trial, pay in full for 12 months; save $221
+ 1 Free activation session with rion ($335 retail)

FYI: Payment in full is non-refundable except if i don't fulfill months of the remaining program on my side, then you would be refunded for the credit balance. after each monthly payment is in, it is non-refundable unless i missed your message requesting to cancel

FYI: you are guaranteed the low rate of $111/mo (after 1 month) for 12 months. Monthly rate 'may' be subject to rise after that, but you would be given clear choice to then remain or or not. there's a good chance i will just keep long-standing clients as grand-fathered at their current rate for staying. to cancel, unsubscribe in paypal or reach out to me for any reason at any time. if you cancel, you can still come back anytime, however at a possibly higher rate if that is what's listed

Raw Alchemy....Pure Beloved. Pure Grail Work.

…Opening your light-body soma to receive and hold greater BANDWIDTH, provision, providence and inspiration from Him.


MGM will be that resource where TOP grail guides can keep enriching their journey and getting inspiration, resources and consulting mixed with their paths and services.


Do you realize that there is even MORE Beauty to be obliterated into by the Penetration of your Lover-King?


Awakening your Temple Body to RECEIVE and be ILLUMINATED by The Beloved (whether you desire the spiritual growth and Beauty, to call in a mortal divine union lover-king or to deepen a current relationship).


…To live heaven on earth as an immortal soul incarnate, making the most of this experience on highest timelines while re-writing generational trauma and curses from here forward?


Because Hieros Gamos is divine union within with the Immortal Beloved (whether you are partnered or not);


This is a spiritual path that requires specialized work, initiation and support; that of YOU and your Immortal Beloved and the incalculable, ineffable richness that is in store.


It also can pose MANY challenges, psychic attacks, reclamation dynamics, hunger, sacrifice and brutality in all dimensions. This is a devotional path that requires special training and initiations.


I have been on the path for 22 years directly and GOOD LORD have I been put through the fires in countless ways.


(And it’s also good to know that I have had hierogamy itself in preparation for Communion-grade hierogamy in my current years of intentional devotional and purifying celibacy where I am literally sacrificing unlimited sex-intercourse and lesser love).


Grail work gives you miraculous transformation.


The grail alchemy I do with my Beloved is for my greater Purpose (moreso than partnership) and She and I are building an EMPIRE that could evolve major industries.


I’ve said before that I’m not just attracting ONE muse, I’m attracting ALL OF THEM. When the time is right, I may be partnered but my purpose is so grand that I’ve had to be EXTRA tribulated to take on people of great power and beauty at tops of industries as clients.


Perhaps most importantly, I’m able to provide masterful insight, council and understanding to the more advanced souls and women tell me this all of the time that they cannot talk about these things or even relate to others with any/all of this. You’re in the right place with Mystical Grail and after all I am a Grail Knight (Muse Lineage).




You will have YOUR reasons for joining and I look forward to getting to know you and others as well have a special bond together and reconvene. You will form new bonds with other advanced practitioners.


Allure is the future of Beauty….GRAIL ALLURE is the future of ALLURE. These are just some of the codes Muse (ancient Grail archetype) has given as I am in touch with Her Divine Will and have paid the price for it.


I also see that…


Grail work is the STABLE architecture that can mend entire INDUSTRIES of shadows; after all, Power (Masculine) and Beauty (Feminine) are these primordial forces of Light, Dark and Shadow.


The Shadow of Power is Force and Force dynamics. If you are called to a relationship with a man of power or to consult as an oracle to guide leaders of industry on the frontlines, grail architecture is THE foundation that you want because it has the crystalline POWER to turn tyrants into heroes.


Much of this has to do with the mis-placement of the psycho-sexual drive of mankind being unfulfilled, unseen and unmet in the soulful and spiritual aspect of Sex; he seeketh the Holy Grail and yet much of the cultural and divine feminine is fractured with masculine principle.




Heaven on Earth actually.


Devotional Communion-Grade architecture is the one thing that can heal it all when it comes to any sexual polarity related ANYTHING…and includes DEFINITIVE feminine reclamation and restoration no matter how traumatized or fractured. That’s also why the Truth of this work is so powerful as alchemy.


A grail priestess (of whom there will be a high percentage in MGM) prepares to have the divine feminine consciousness to relate with power and calibrate it towards Source with and through these powerful men in the world. Many of them are simply starved from the spiritual and soulful bandwidth that the Holy Chalice Herself can bring in presence with and through you.


We will be working with all of this throughout the monthly program (you can join or cancel anytime). MGM will especially be a place for grail priestess and priestess grade women to richly be nourished with great multi-D ROI and results in your life, Beauty, consciousness, relationship and business.


As you are reunified with your version of the divine, archetypal masculine…(even if you’ve been traumatized by shadow masculine tyranny before);


This is what can MEND THE WORLD back into renaissance, peace, harmony, healing and prosperity. You can also call it ‘grail work’….as you reunify within, it inspires men to reclaim their divine masculine inheritance (and in different ways; to honor and cherish the divine and archetypal feminine).


Presenced Beauty that NOURISHES his underfed heart, spirit and soul.


There’s a lot at stake collectively; not even for your own love life, children or partnership!


Remember; this ‘industry’ or ‘niches’ of grail priestessing, divine union, ALLURE WORK and king-making are of the future NOW. There are going to be industry leaders who rise to serve the masses as Awakening continues. You may already have a growing role in all of that (and deserve to be well paid for it).


So….after my 22 years of reunification and as a Source Remembrance Generation Guide, Grail Priestess Trainer (Muse line), Grail Magi (and I’ll throw in L.A.’s most powerful grid-worker and Grandmaster Media Alchemist ;)…


I’m now ready to give specialized support, training and immersion for the world’s other top grail guides into the deep, purifying alchemy of reunification.


Even if you’re VERY experienced (even priest or priestess), you will be able to get rich insight and cross-referencing from my deep gnostic experience and mastery including in Human Design, Gene Keys, archetypes, energy work mastery and so much more.


You probably already know if you’re called to it (OH – and if you’re an emotional authority, you may not have to take all launch period to decide if it’s for you if you have PRE-processed dynamics around grail work for years earlier 😉

Who Is Mystical Grail Membership For?

Hieros Gamos heretics, Divine Union (a.k.a.) Devi’s & Devotees, Grail Guides, Sacred Union Saints and Most Beloved of Lovers


It is for the ancient souled Lover who after eons of lower karmic experience is called HOME to the ULTIMATE Love.


It is for the woman whose timing is that she MUST face and reunify with God the Father and the masculine instead of only living in her goddess experience.


It is for the spiritual seeker and mystic who cannot accept anything less than Divine Reunification of consciousness (where mere ‘conscious loving’ relationships do not suffice).


It is for the man who seeketh the True Holy Grail itself that hath been oppressed for eons…to know that he is worthy beyond just superficial social status or money; but worthy of true Beauty and Love at the deepest levels of Spirit and Soul.


It is for grail priestesses to have ongoing foundational practices, methodology and support to have even more magic in their Kingmaking path.


It is for the erotically and spiritually FEMININE woman who is on a path of sacred reunification with her form of God the Lover; to bring that into her experience on her own and/or in partnership with a man.


It is for the wild-eros woman who is called to divine masculine power dynamics and his gifts


It is for the eros-starlet who wants integrity of influence on a global scale of liberation that is purified and relates with divine power instead of forms of oppressive tyranny


It is for the medicine woman-crone whose spiritual work is everything


It is for the devotionally encoded woman who is called to be with a powerful man but to have a relationship that is less of his remaining shadows and more of his light and dark aspects purified and in service.

MGM is Meant to be a Foundational Support Template & Program For...

…the world’s top Grail Guides, Grail Magi, Divine Union coaches, Grail Priestesses and Devotees of the Devotional Spiritual path of their Beloved to go deeper into the Siddhic Mysteries, Magic, Beauty and Truth of More Ecstatic Communion (whether as solo practitioners, in a divine union partnership or re-templatizing a current relationship into Sacred Union).


Again; there are special things in the Grail path alone; unique challenges (including advanced and proper archetype alchemy) that are different from other paths of spiritual awakening and relationships (many of which deny, ostracize or shun divine feminine eros, sexuality and its consciousness).


Going to ‘relationship coaches’ is not going to get you anywhere near the medicine required for this special journey and you could waste years without connecting to the divine powers and magic.


I found early in my path that I had to attract other master guides b/c of the serious and progressive calling I had to heed. Without them, it would have taken 5 decades on my own to do what I’ve done in 2.


MGM is for you if you are open to that professional support to enhance your current practice and the POWER of it.


The RELEVANT, immersive community value alone will be invaluable and because this is shamelessly a PAID membership, it only includes committed people by default who are vested in their own dharmic growth.


Because it is only $100/month however, you may actually want to consider the VIP level for very progressive evolutionary work.


MGM is my version of what is partly inspired by Gillian’s Feminine Eros Membership and our joint ‘Mystical Beauty’ brand and yet centered on CORE Sacred Union temple work and transformation. (I also used to host men’s group coaching containers).


“(Rion) You have deeep magic” – Gillian Pothier


I have 100’s of testimonials and it’s ALL sourced in grail work as my practical foundation (5/1 here 😉

More Details....



(Lowest investment price ever)


Mystical Grail Membership is a rolling monthly program.


You can join or leave at any time and not be charged further (it may be a higher price to rejoin however, fyi). You can also pay for a year in full in advance. And it’s not the cheapest….actually, we want that pricing b/c it keeps the un-serious out of such a container.


Mystical Grail Membership will be deep temple arts of Holy Grail Divine Union ‘in practicum’; live and recorded training, Q&A group consulting, hot seats, transmissions, practices, prized resources, sadhana, attunements and community around this very SPECIALIZED form of spiritual, beauty and identity transformational work of consciousness.


Besides the magic of the deep temple container, Rion’s presence and a like-spirited community of other leading grail guides and devotees to be there and support you YEAR-ROUND on your path, you get;


*A secret FB group in which Rion will be active (although cannot guarantee he will answer ‘every’ single question)


*A minimum of 3 live group calls per month (we will try and adjust some times)


*Unlimited A/V component modules, temple time experience and training to be added (pro quality)


*Direct and spot consulting in the group format


*Direct spot energy work in the group format if/when it befits


*Exclusive attunements, reveals, insights, training and materials ONLY available to MGM


*Special guest training calls


*Recordings of past calls


*Access to all Rion’s sometimes hard to find power reports


*Free super-charge crystal activations


Many core videos (of ~pro quality), resources and bonuses will be added throughout.


(I will say this now b/c I might not include it elsewhere; Muse Priestess Mentorship is an entirely different program and experience that as its own mystery school includes things, secrets and initiations ONLY and ever revealed within MPM)


MUCH of the rich value of this immersive ongoing program is in the entrainment to my level of devotion, experience, mastery and devotional codes (in Presence).


Welcome you mystic-heretic! Because to do THIS work you would be shunned, outlawed, persecuted or worse from historical religion.


I myself have been initiated most of all by The Beloved and also by other incarnate and ascended masters and shamans in Tao, Chi Kung, Tantra, etc.


Grail work (as inner reunification alchemy) is both mystical and yet entirely practical; it just best requires being initiated by a true Guide who has lived the path (and that I have for the past 22 years through countless initiations, trials and tribulations).


BTW; I don’t have to prove my devotion to you; (Beloved already knows), however it can help you discern me as a guide amongst other guides to have an idea of my experience and background.


If you are drawn to powerful men or a powerful man as a lover, union or as an oracle of influence on the frontlines of business and culture…this program is also for you.

In Order to be Thoroughly Immersed Into Grail Mysticism & Practice...

….We will have to cover many core elements of Grail History and Mythos through time such as:


*Core Grail practices for solo and partnered reunification


*Intro to Grail Tantra


*Suppression and Patriarchal Outlaw of the Divine Feminine


*Gnostic Christos-Sophia


*Worship Dynamics


*The Truth of The Holy Grail & Communion


*Divine Feminine Reclamation


*The Psycho-Sexual Drive of the Masculine


*Hijacking dynamics of the most valuable resource in the universe


*Power & Beauty: The Primordial Forces


*Gnosticism and giving yourself direct spiritual experience vs. dogmatic orthodoxy


*Religious de-conditioning; resistances to Grail work that may be blocking Union


*Grail Archetypes & Grail Lines


*Relational Templates and how it means everything towards deeper Love


*Sophia Line


*Sexual trauma and reclamation dynamics


*Grail sadhanas; Veneration dynamics


*Devotional Celibacy Dynamics


*The heresy of God the Lover


*Muse Line Overview


*Rose-Magdalene Line


*Fractal Alchemy (critical to mastering Divine Union work visually)




*Crystal Integration


*Grail Priestessing


*How to get the most out of Powerliminals


*Becoming the Alchemist & Sex Alchemist


*Star/Starlet Dynamics


*Invocation Work


*Womb Work Dynamics


*Overcoming Religious Blocks


*Temple Space Protocol


*Obsession + Detachment


*Power vs. Force in relating with masculine consciousness to free up years of inhibitions and blocks to reunification


*Trauma healing & releasing


*Grail work as a path of purified sexual awakening of consciousness


*Kundalini & Shakti Dynamics


*Self-chakra work & Detox


*Body as temple; purification dynamics


*Basic to advanced techniques and temple practice


*Detachment mastery with Beloved fractal proxies


*The alchemical powers of Truth
Relational templates and why none compare to Communion itself


*Re-templatizing a current relationship


*Twin flame dynamics & releasing


*Light and Dark Archetypes


*Submission dynamics


*Psychic Attacks: management, etc.


*Shadow Work


*Temple Practices, Tips


*Power Resources


*Conditioning secrets


*Starting your own Grail based services and getting paid


*Connecting with The Beloved


….and so much more!


AND the program will be organic to adapt and suit to the demands of top Grail practitioners like you and from my breadth of experience as well as the others involved; wow, you’re going to have professional RELEVANT, spiritual, mystical support and quantum leaps in the realm of Devotion.


We are going to build a community of active devotees with the Mystical Grail Membership that will be its own treasure because you can learn from other sistars and followers of The Beloved.


I am a master and yet I am ALWAYS a student and we will also be learning from each other (however under the rightful authority of my mastery, guidance and experience).


Yes, there is a price to access my experience and guidance along this path that will weed out those who aren’t right for it; this is very powerful work and with that said; the price of admission is actually less than you would think BECAUSE of the group format (and yet with many advantages)!


NOT HAVING A MORTAL PARTNER requires the ACTUAL true alchemy of reunification (just vet your grail guides)…that’s also why this is more advanced.


There is a difference between Fantasy and Grail Alchemy: Grail alchemy actually transmutes you into a living reflection and testament OF the Beloved with POWERFUL attraction whereas fantasy (and checking off a list of idealized traits in a man) fractures you and keeps you in other shadows.


“GOD WORKS THROUGH FAITH”. So does Goddess to true devotees.


HAVING A MORTAL PARTNER may actually be the biggest hindrance for most people that is preventing reunification as well as not knowing the true inner reunification work and being initiated.


Conscious lovers or twin flames is not the same as COMMUNION.

APRIL 4, 2025 @ 9 PM PST!

Join Mystical Grail Membership!
Only $11 One Month Trial

one time pricing offer expires april 4th, 2025 @ 9 pm pst

Select monthly or pay in full for 1 year

to join our rolling active group coaching program!


and in 1 month, then $111/month


skip the trial, pay in full for 12 months; save $221
+ 1 Free activation session with rion ($335 retail)

FYI: Payment in full is non-refundable except if i don't fulfill months of the remaining program on my side, then you would be refunded for the credit balance. after each monthly payment is in, it is non-refundable unless i missed your message requesting to cancel

FYI: you are guaranteed the low rate of $111/mo (after 1 month) for 12 months. Monthly rate 'may' be subject to rise after that, but you would be given clear choice to then remain or or not. there's a good chance i will just keep long-standing clients as grand-fathered at their current rate for staying. to cancel, unsubscribe in paypal or reach out to me for any reason at any time. if you cancel, you can still come back anytime, however at a possibly higher rate if that is what's listed

Are You Ready For All This Instantly* @ Your Beck & Call?
It Doesn't Have To Be A 'No-Brainer'..Just Feel Into Your Soma...

(*The ‘instant’ part is after I manually add you to our secret headquarters community btw 😉


For only $11? I MUST BE CRAZY!?


Just look at the feastly plethora of offerings you’re going to get access to; any of which can provide the sweet spot of insights and medicine that is called for to shift things right NOW for you…


These are just SOME of the content available as accessible in our member’s only area.


*New multi-media transformational, powerful content is being added monthly


*The ‘All of a Sudden He’s Here’ Exercise


*Secret Monthly Power Resources


*Sadhana’s and Attunements (more being added including a private Powerliminal)


*(Your) Identity Archetype Overview (get clarity for your FULLEST, best version of self saving years)


*Exploring Divine Masculine Archetypes spotlight series (video) {This is central for clarifying your Beloved and His divine masculine qualities that LIGHT you up to work with)


*Gene Key Siddhic Spotlight Immersions; Veneration/32, Devotion/29, Truth/63, Valor/21


*Past call video AND audio recordings including consulting (on relevant topics)


*Archetype Sister Alchemy/Work & Top 10 World Reference Points (much of what I teach you literally won’t hear anywhere else)


*Becoming Your Own Heroine
1:02:26 (this is NOT an easy journey; thus highlighting such support and community)


*The Chairbender resource (rare and hard to find otherwise)


*On Becoming The Holy Chalice


*Occasional somatic experiences and spot energy work during call-ins


*How I Rose to the Top of Several Industries Near Overnight (And How U Can 2) {invaluable experience, networking and marketing insights for succeeding in-self)


*Month 3 Call 2: Heresy of God The Lover


*Catholic church dynamics (encoded in a call or 2)


*Month 3 Call 1: Twin Flame vs. Divine Union


*Obsession Dynamics + Sadhana
(And how/why it’s OK with Divine Union templating only)


*Power & Beauty (the primordial forces of Communion)


*(Holy) Daughter Dynamics


*Soul Warrioress Unveiled


*Mortal vs. Immortal Masculine (some will remain muddled for years unable to differentiate and it’s causing GREAT entropy and confusion in living heaven on earth)


*Spot coaching integration and challenges in ladies lives and relationships as well as marketing support and conversation


*Attunement-grade Temple space sessions with Rion and His Beloved (more being added on-goingly)


*Prime Techniques for Divine Union solo alchemy + the visual archetype alchemy on-going tips and training (Rion is the world’s grandmaster of this with Sacred Union)


*Group chat history PLUS access to ask your own questions, get coaching IN our FB secret group platform


…AND much more PLUS NEW alchemical content EVERY MONTH, shares from other grail mystics + new live call-ins where we stagger the times apart for different timezoned ladies…


And yes; our calls (and even recordings from Rion/me) DO get VULNERABLE, emotional and you can entrust as I know how to hold proper space with VERY psychically intuitive and sensitive, experienced women.


In fact, you will likely be OVERWHELMED at how much there is already to IMMERSE into for INSTANT Divine Union CODES ENRICHMENT so when you join us;


My advice?


I recommend that you would just browse through our content area and go with what lights a spark in you right away to flag as consuming. You just cannot share our content or redistribute it while being a member or afterwards.


One of our newer members (early March) she was IMMERSING in everything and said “It’s the best thing she’s found” (Mystical Grail).


With light years of value already ENCODED from GREAT, rich experience in the content alone (remember, I’m DEEEEP into reunification and VERY experienced), can you afford to NOT get your feet wet for only $11?!


I may likely DOUBLE the rate to join after this promotion is ended so instead of $11 for the first month it could be $222 or at least $111 again (and we still had new members joining us of course).


What have you got to lose (and look what you’ve got to gain!?) We have VERY EXPERIENCED ladies in the group and they are getting NEW value out of it as we go along.


Being an active group rolling program you get the LIVE access and community which is also where being an ongoing active member pays off.


It’s on you to leverage it…we’ve had MANY breakthroughs in our sacred container and I’m here to support.


Join us anytime during this 11 day total window to get this ONE-TIME OFFER trial pricing and then see if you want to stay with us…and even then you can cancel anytime (or before the regular rate even starts)! Guilt-free, no questions asked (and we can still be FB friends)

This is a Path of Alchemy....

…and of becoming a master alchemist….even of being connected to the Divine Will of your Beloved (and having them co-create Heaven on Earth with you).


I will guide you through all of this as well as if you are one of the rare couples who is in a divine union manifestation, how to get even MORE richness, power, beauty, intimacy and Love in your experience together.


Perhaps the greatest selling and value point for you is simply being in the devotional field and experienced I have to and with MY Beloved by darshan transference.


I’m not devoted to you; I’m COMMITTED to you in the MGM format to serve, but I am DEVOTED to my Beloved alone….and WE are co-creating this experience. She works with and through me and we’re the greatest creative team.


Like me; you and I are rare in this modern world, but we are ancient souls who are returning HOME.


The awakening work I’m assisting with on the frontlines for women around the world and with divine feminine archetypes is an extension of building our Kingdom together.


This is a DEVOTIONAL path.


Hieros Gamos is about inner reunification of consciousness (including anima/animus dynamics);


A path of devotional, alchemical reunification more and more with the Power or Beauty of The Beloved (as a PATH of transmutation of consciousness, awakening, Love, enlightenment and Beauty).


Joining MGM is an INVITATION for your Heart, Sex, Spirit & Soul and your un-potentiated Greater Siddhic Felt Beauty and Gno-sis to join us at ANYTIME…it’s just that you might want to be there at the START (Who knows? It might become the hottest thing?!)…oh – and at inaugural pricing!


Overcoming GREAT psychic attacks and sabotage? You’re also in the right place with MGM if you’re on a grail path. WE have special challenges and can be very privy to attacks by Dark Forces.


Some things just can’t be done by lesser sexual consciousness or transcending, denying Sex with Spirit dynamics.


This is just the window for it to happen and it’s happening SO FAST that when I first pre-launched it to some people; I literally didn’t have time to even start our branding design or set up a proper page or launch sequence.


In Veneration & Celebration of a Great Remembrance of the SOURCE CODE of Communion itself, we present the Mystical Grail Membership.


This will be deeply magical, coded, rich and powerfully transformational. Are you in?


Sign up here (or below)

This is a Path of Alchemy....
of Sex, Spirit, Heart, Ero-Soma, Mind & Soul

Your grail temple arts and Spirit will BLOSSOM like never before.




Because of the live nature of this service-based program (+ other components); payments are non-refundable once they are in (as you go along) and I will do my part to fulfill the extreme minimum of 2 live calls offered per month and private FB group access for interaction and group coaching.


You can drop out at anytime and not be charged further (no shame or questioning whatsoever) and even rejoin later (although probably at a higher price tbh).


Paying for the first month also shows your willingness to dive and invest in your path (no tire-kicker trials here).


You can also just cancel the subscription without letting me know; I’ll just be focused on serving who is in it and I understand there can be different reasons, timing, finances to go in an out.


MGM is actually designed to support other Reunified Grail Magii and Divine Union guides as THEIR base support (‘initiations’ may be in the VIP level which would be announced later).


Because ‘Mystical Grail Membership’ is designed to support the world’s leading Grail Magic and Divine Union guides, it is also profound work for other devotees who want to deepen their devotion, magic and beauty (whether you are in a divine union, want to take it deeper or attract in a beloved or are in it for the spiritual growth and grail allure beauty).


If you ARE NOT a Grail Guide right now; I wouldn’t worry that you will be overwhelmed or ‘out of your league’ by it though, because this will be an INTERACTIVE format where I’ll have to translate and simplify a lot of very powerful or advanced concepts.


We can even work with YOUR Gene Keys and how it melds into reunion work in our group format.


You get direct access to me and modalities of training and connection in this format.


(VIP Level is available for direct initiations and more custom, private time)


As you live as a Temple of the Reunified Beloved within and without (Light AND healthy Dark aspects) while purifying; THIS is what will heal the world and bring it back into Harmony and Renaissance …into families, communities and the collective on the frontlines.


Your Grail consciousness (whether Grail Lover, Grail Queen, Grail Priestess, Grail Goddess, Grail Starlet, Grail Medicine Woman, Grail Oracle, etc.) is what will indirectly awaken, council and INSPIRE KINGS.


These industries and the concept of KING-MAKING is really just getting started in our modern era in proper form.


Each of us can have a different role to play in our lives, relationships, businesses and communities.


Grail work is the path to Hierogamy itself; far beyond soul mates or conscious loving; Sex and Love of God and Goddess.


Even though I was trained as a Tantra Daka powerful sexual healer; it’s not the same thing (as conscious loving, neo-tantra or conflation with what you’re thinking).


Sacred Union is the purest path of sexual awakening of consciousness (also because it requires absolution and mastery over shadows to most deeply Reunify with the Pure Light Powers and Dark of your Beloved).


Imagine leaders of industry and oracles IMPERVIOUS to psychic attacks and recalibrating industry’s to divinity; grail work is the ONE thing that can do it (in part b/c it includes enlightened sexuality instead of denying or oppressing it). You may have to reunify more as the Holy Daughter – we will work on that as well.


It’s important that I differentiate Grail Tantra from Western/Neo Tantra ENTIRELY. You can’t even compare the two. We will be doing introductory work into what may further develop as ‘Grail Tantra’.


My and our guides are pure Muse as well as Sophia with other archetypal access and support as necessary (esp. for your grail beauty cultivation throughout).


Yes, there is a proper place in the path of some for Dark archetypes as well (It’s Light and Dark vs. Shadow Dominion is most accurate).


We may also introduce DARK Communion Codes (erotic dynamics).


MGM is especially also for you if you are a Grail Priestess. I have spent years training grail priestesses.


‘MGM’ (not to be confused with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayor) will be especially INTERACTIVE b/c those in our community will have specialized challenges, trauma, questions, issues and so forth that could best require real MASTERY and power to attune with greater Truth fast so you have MUCH faster authentic, identity and temple level transformations along the path.


There are unique challenges to this path only that will be addressed….straight up GRAIL EVERYTHING. This is my realm and you’ll also be able to leverage the gifts of OTHER DEVOTEES including other Grail Guides in the program as well as guest teachers and so forth with content ONLY available to the group.


As a powerful tantra daka, I’ve literally served as a sexual healer and releasing years of direct trauma and abuse that can be stored in the female psyche (as well as in my energy work). These are important dynamics on a path of Reunifying with The Beloved. I have walked the walk.


As a master, I am ALWAYS the student and my Beloved has been my greatest Teacher. (I’m initiated into lines of masters who don’t have issues being called masters)


Any questions about the program? Ask me on Fb on a post-comment or in DM.


We’re going to have good video quality (and pro quality for component modules, etc.), production design and I’m going to SHOW UP visually in presence and charisma like ‘debut’ b/c that is a critical element of everything because of my embodiment and testament of reunification itself.


Similar to Mystical Beauty & Mystical Beauty Immersion (which I co-hosted with Gillian Pothier);


We’re going to do it right and I’ll be your Magi and Guide. If you join the monthly, you can stay as long as you like and not be charged further. (Otherwise it’s non-refundable for the time you are in).


MGM will be a rolling group program so you can join (or leave) at ANYTIME; however, I encourage you to be part of the INCEPTION gathering; ideally dozens of devotees who will be there from the start.

It's Already Incepting....Yes..Oh Eros-y One...

(We ALREADY have ~27 priestess/devotee grade women involved at inauguration! You might even know who they are)


MGM will be an ON-GOING deep impact transformational journey year-round.


We will meet around 3 times per month ‘live’ and you can be as involved as you want including posting in our secret FB group…you will be able to interact in multiple ways and get access to me, spot work, hot seat and even spot energy work in this format.


After joining I will add you to a private email list and FB group as a member…WE ARE LIVE NOW WITH THE FIELD OPEN AS OF 10.29.2024!


You’re probably going to have LOTS of questions as we go through.


When I was at an ashram in Asia in 2014, the enlightened master wanted me to show him my grail work with the divine feminine!


There was another master who was a student there and although I had difficulties explaining things a decade ago, he said he could connect to what I was talking about through my presence, passion and devotion. You get that time in this group format with MGM!




The 2024 pricing is only going to be only $111 per month.


Now; If you view yourself as a colleague of mine and have your own thing going on, you might be more closed off to being a student of a colleague…


Consider that as Grail Guides; each of us have different specialties and gifts to offer. Human Design, Gene Keys, archetypes, priestessing, king-making, soul purpose, allure, activations, psychic defense and powers, charisma, tantra, trauma releasing, purified (Grail) tantra, powerful psychic abilities, grid-working, mastery energy working and sorcery, etc. of mine are all FOUNDED UPON my ~15,000 hours of active grail work experience (including being initiated by living and ascended masters, etc.)


You’re in good hands and I excel in being a very in-self projector (and certified Gene Keys guide) with 7+ years experience in both to work as a masterful guide.



This is an exciting time for all of us. Divine Union is the FUTURE of relationship work and this program is for you whether you’re a Grail Priestess and Magi yet or not….


..and whether you’re in a current partnership/template or not but value Hieros Gamos….there will be something for you – if you can become the student enough…and remember, I will also be inviting other grail guides to do their own guest speaking spots.


If you are joining us while this offer is available and paying in full for 12 months, you will get a special BONUS of an activation session with me (literal paid value of $335)!


Ready to EMPOWER your own Grail Goddess, Grail Eros-Lover, Grail-Queen, Grail-Magi, Grail Alchemist or Grail-King path?


Ready to constellate deeper love in a divine union partnership? Create your own Edenic ‘heaven on earth’ business? This gets you consulting in the group format with me (as an entrepreneur as well).


Divine Union is the FUTURE of the relationship coaching ‘market’ btw…it’s beyond soul mates and twin flames.


Imagine that year-round Temple space access and connection with very practical and yet richly mystical training, experience, immersion, techniques and growth!




Cancel anytime and not be charged further. Rejoin at anytime at whatever the active rate is.


OR Pay in full for year 1 and get a free activation/session with Rion while saving $221.


2024 pricing is only $1111 for year 1 (Does not renew).


You will have the choice to renew at year 2 if you pay in full.


I cannot guarantee grandfathered rates after year 2 starts if you leave the program. Joining during launch is at the lowest rate ever and cannot be guaranteed going into year 2. These are year 1 launch rates.


If you stay in the program on the monthly rate, the rate very well MAY rise into year 2 however; year 1 attendees who were with from the start have precedence for best possible or same rate at that time.


Everyone who joins gets the general group access, however you may want a more progressive and accelerated support-journey.


The VIP Level might be for you….

OR....A Deeper Level of Initiation in The Mystical Grail....> Join The Red Velvet Level VIP of MGM

If you are truly on a devoted grail path…and you have realized that it has everything to do with everything – and in context of knowing that there is no limit to the level and depth of Love, Ecstasy and Rapture you could experience as well as felt influence.


…In desiring to express greater Beauty as a secure Holy Daughter and as a Holy Bride in consciousness with uncompromising radiant allure…


You may want to consider the Red Velvet level or ‘V.I.P.’ of Mystical Grail.


The Red Velvet/VIP level of Mystical Grail will get you assured and PROGRESSIVE Grail initiations, light-body re-templatizing and growth, far more powerful kundalini, deeper magic and ecstasy activating, more Eros, accelerate spiritual growth, greater social and beauty influence and response and much more.


Alchemical Beauty is predictable if you are in the Red Velvet level.


See; our general group level is great for that on-going connection and immersion to take unto your own practice and experience our group format and yet it’s the RV level that gets you direct grail initiations and direct energetic work with me (and consulting) for progressive, quantum growth and Reunification power support.


Sure; you may have a lot of Eros but this is where we REFINE and harness it as well as cultivate it for even greater BEAUTY, Love and influence. Men or your man will be tripping over themselves (results may vary).


Being an alchemist is a wildcard, people get varying results but direct energy work gets you ASSURED results.


Even if your Eros only increased by 10% each month, could you imagine the payoff?


After a few months with this though, you’ll be not just a ‘different’ woman but more of the heavenly woman you truly want to be as embodied and expressed.


The Red Velvet Ropes VIP Level (which you can upgrade to at anytime) includes everything in the MG Membership group level.




*2 Archetype (etc.) Private Activation Sessions Monthly with Rion for progressive cultivation (includes power growth maintenance detox energy tune-ups); ie. Sophia, Holy Daughter, Queen, Princess, Maiden, Vixen, Starlet, Goddess, etc.


*6 x 55 minute grail consulting sessions (one every 2 months that you are a paid VIP member) + recordings (this may include direct temple session time on zoom with Rion)


*1 Human Design/Gene Keys reading (+ recording) within the first 3 months (at least pay for 2 months as a monthly VIP to get this)


*Your choice of premium activations (available as additional one every 2 months you are a paid RV/VIP member):


Hieros Gamos Light-Body Encoding available month 1 (not sold separately yet), Biio-star, Priestess, Muse, Grail (Sex) Alchemist, Star & Grailspring activation-initiations also available one every 2 months (your choice) + Kunda-Star


(Grailspring alone is now $2500)


10.26.24 UPDATE: There is also the new unreleased Kunda-Star activation added to the premium activations list which empowers your ability to have far greater full-body orgasmic kundalini activity and stability for infinitely greater ecstasy, Eros, alchemical allure beauty influence and practical Communion-grade hierogamy itself (Spirit to Spirit intercourse).


This works differently on your light-body with new foundational Grail Tantra codes and your chakras as Beauty Bellows. I am alpha-testing the Kunda-Star work on myself for very powerful results and rapid transformation.


To receive deity level divine masculine power, you must prepare your body for HIM. If you’re in a relationship, this will exponentiate the depth of your intimacy


(Power and Beauty are the primordial and MECHANICAL forces of the Temple of you and HIM; something that kundalini yoga doesn’t inherently value structurally).




*Private FB group chat for Red Velvet level members


Be as active as you want in this as the one other more intimate group component.


*Up to 10 private DM questions for Rion per month (must be used monthly however)


The Red Velvet Level gets you the serious, progressive initiations to rapidly evolve VERY fast in your journey.


*1 ticket to Rion’s upcoming live ‘Allure Oasis’ in Tulum


I’m VERY excited about what’s in the works with this; a PLAYGROUND for divine feminine embodied women to CELEBRATE without any siphoning or expectations from the masculine whatsoever; where fun, liberation, magic and memories coincide!


SO….If you’re VERY serious about your devotional Sacred Union Grail journey, the Red Velvet level is for you! Grail initiations (even Priestess) galore! (Granted, this is NOT the same as being initiated into the Muse Priestess lineage which is something else entirely 😉


Price WILL be rising at some point for this level. Generic business coaches regularly get $1000 month retainers from clients and yet this is the the real high grail magic work.


Price may rise anytime before sign-up.


Generally; you must use these private sessions as ‘credits’ within the same 12 months or as long as you maintain membership. They can roll over into the next months if they are unused as long as you are a paid member.


If you do not use your sessions (I will be schedulable); that’s fine but they are not exchangeable or refundable if/when you cancel your membership. You are in understanding and agreement with this.


You can join the RV/VIP Level of Mystical Grail and we can start booking your private sessions!


The subscription option is on the page and you can also reach out to me on DM if there are issues or questions with payment.


Other details:


Generally; you must use these private sessions as ‘credits’ within the same 12 months or as long as you maintain membership.


Unused session credits can roll over into the next months if they are unused as long as you are a paid member. If you do not use your sessions (I will be schedulable); that’s fine but they are not exchangeable or refundable if/when you cancel your membership. You are in understanding and agreement with this by joining the VIP level.


If you’re in the regular level and want to upgrade, we can apply your $100 as a credit or refund to the VIP level!


Lmk if you have questions

Join Mystical Grail Membership
@ Red Velvet VIP Level!

Special introductory LAUNCH pricing for 2024
Select just one choice below

please use the link here


pay in full for 12 months; save $1000
Will not be charged again but you will have the option to manually renew and retain your grand-fathered rate
use this if you are international outside the u.s.a.
i would prefer if you are u.s. to do paypal transfer to avoid fees (please contact me direct if possible first)

FYI: Payment in full is non-refundable except if i don't fulfill months of the remaining group program itself on my side, then you would be refunded or credited for the balance (ie. if i stop doing MGM). you must use your vip sessions within the same year (i will be available for scheduling) and they are not individually's on you to use your vip sessions and services or not.

"Why Rion?"

You can find out more about me on my ‘about page‘…


Well, here’s just one quick story…


(Again; I don’t have to prove to you my devotion, but it’s helpful to get more of a background like I appreciated hearing how, where and when Master Zhou was practicing chi kung)…


Speaking to tribulation, Devotion & Mastery…it took me 9.5 years of Temple Time to FIRST have a Major Awakening experience of an energetic nature.


*I’d been doing ‘all-nighter’ Sacred Union temple time session several times a week for YEARS hitting 1000 hours a year.


That’s how dedicated, committed and obsessed I was with The Beloved (with 100’s of men around the world also doing my practice)….and then while co-hosting a men’s retreat in Medellin;


I had a localized kundalini awakening where my forearms and hands lit on white fire (awakening my gifts and service primarily as an energy worker for Her) and everyone anti-aged 15 years in front of our eyes while we were doing group temple time with my Beloved on the world premiere of a special (Muse) resource.


I understand that most people don’t have that kind of patience….for my path, She was testing me YEARS before I ever realized it and kept opening up more power and magic to me.


For some, their path will be more quantum breakthroughs in shorter time….now I don’t have to do nearly as long of sessions to get far more powerful results on the higher dimensions.


Because I was closer to normal consumer-citizen consciousness to have a reference point; I realize that because of my growth, I can do years of consciousness and energy work (for a normal person) in a minute not because I just ‘call’ it hieros gamos generically, but because I’ve been in the grit of true devotional work all these years experientially.


LIVING the mystical path of grail work actively has been my FOUNDATION for the past 22 years so even if you’re another grail guide, it may be keen of you to reference who else has experience that you can still learn from or offer different insights.


That’s why I also refer people to other grail guides sometimes (they may specialize in different areas).


For years, Beloved had to make sure I was the ‘One’ and it all centers on Devotion in this mystical grail path. She was waiting eons for someone to be able to translate Her codes to start Her priestess lineage.


Along the way, I also venerated my other masters although no teacher has compared to my Beloved.


And there have been MANY major initiations the past 22 years of true Divine Union work that I’ve been living.


My Beloved asks for nothing less and the deeper I go into temple, the more I just want to LIVE there.


How committed are YOU?


Sign up here:

Invest in Yourself Mystic & Open The Door Here..


Join Mystical Grail Membership!
Only $11 One Month Trial

one time pricing offer expires april 4th, 2025 @ 9 pm pst

Select monthly or pay in full for 1 year

to join our rolling active group coaching program!


and in 1 month, then $111/month


skip the trial, pay in full for 12 months; save $221
+ 1 Free activation session with rion ($335 retail)

FYI: Payment in full is non-refundable except if i don't fulfill months of the remaining program on my side, then you would be refunded for the credit balance. after each monthly payment is in, it is non-refundable unless i missed your message requesting to cancel

FYI: you are guaranteed the low rate of $111/mo (after 1 month) for 12 months. Monthly rate 'may' be subject to rise after that, but you would be given clear choice to then remain or or not. there's a good chance i will just keep long-standing clients as grand-fathered at their current rate for staying. to cancel, unsubscribe in paypal or reach out to me for any reason at any time. if you cancel, you can still come back anytime, however at a possibly higher rate if that is what's listed

More Information...

Through the years in some interviews or things like Mystical Beauty, I have given glimpses of some of the deep practical magic of pure reunification and this specialized Temple work however, I’ve by and large kept them secret outside of Muse Priestess Mentorship.


I have taught men pre-temple forms of it years earlier based upon the foundational methodology.


And those that are Grail Guides could use complementary, reliable powerful support and experienced insights of someone who has paid the deepest dues and sacrifices, someone so experienced in Grail work mixing with multiple modalities….


…and I’ve also realized that there could really be an official, supportive and thriving community of DEVOTEES that are COMMITTED to the true work, mysteries and magic of Grail work.


I’ve been thinking for years of starting something and ‘how’ I would do it and all of a sudden the time is NOW….which also works out perfectly because after years of preparation, the world’s first Muse Priestesses I’ve trained as the Grail Priestess of Muse lineage holder) will be unleashing their magic and beauty upon the world in the ways that they see fit.


Celibacy may or may not be for you but I have rich experience to reference. It can be incredibly purifying and testing of your faith and devotion…it can be incredibly brutal especially if you are concerned you are getting older, undesirable by child-seeking man, concerns about loss of beauty, etc.


You might even be lost between the concept of FANTASY instead of leveraging the fruits of ALCHEMY with The Beloved that actually transforms your lived experience, cultivates your Beauty and how you affect others.


Join Now! Special 2024 Pricing is very close to launch pricing and VIP Level has remained the same. MGM price is anticipated to double around New Years 2025.


Bonus: Pay in full for a year and get a free $335 session with me!


-Rion Kati
Grail Magi


What questions would you have about Mystical Grail? Ask me on FB so I can address it.


“Can my partner and I join?”


You may have to feel that out based on your relationship dynamics; he may or may not be as consciously invested in the growth…otherwise he/she would be welcome to join at a special pricing of $55/month on a trial basis to confirm that he is a fit and isn’t disruptive (energetically to our field and our pace).


p.s. Remember this rate is good for 1 year from November 2024 if you stay with it and the $111/mo. may rise then for everyone however early or inaugural enrollees would have best favor for any possible sustained grandfather rate and I would check in with you to see if you want to extend…IF I decide to keep favor for inaugural attendees and you just stay with it you have best chance of remaining at this rate.


The grand-fathered rate mentioned is for the VIP level going into year 2, not for the regular level.

APRIL 4, 2025 @ 9 PM PST!

Join Mystical Grail Membership!
Only $11 One Month Trial

one time pricing offer expires april 4th, 2025 @ 9 pm pst

Select monthly or pay in full for 1 year

to join our rolling active group coaching program!


and in 1 month, then $111/month


FYI: Payment in full is non-refundable except if i don't fulfill months of the remaining program on my side, then you would be refunded for the credit balance. after each monthly payment is in, it is non-refundable unless i missed your message requesting to cancel

MGM is a mix of alchemical transmission training, consulting & experience and powerful support to high level players.


We have fun with it too and you get my brand of humor.


Join above! Ask me questions on Facebook.


(We have already started and opened the field for you to join anytime…I will be in contact and get you in the FB group asap + email list)


 Remember…I have HUNDREDS of testimonials!

-Rion Kati

Grail Magi

Master Alchemist

p.s. I found out that someone from Mystical Beauty had met her beloved right after our program! I hope you’ve got big anticipations for this (but detached from expectation!)

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